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Helping you make the right decision.

Our Digital LED Billboard at Alo Chowdhury More, Siliguri, can help you get more than 1,00,000 views in a day.

Why This Location?

HNI Population

Alo Chowdhury More, is placed at the heart of the city Siliguri. The average cost of property in this area is extremely high. A new simple 2 BHK flat in this area costs around 50-70 lakhs and the cost of land for every 720 Sq feet land is at least 60 lakhs in this area. Even the cost of renting an unfurnished 2 BHK flat is more than ₹15,000 and properly furnished flats are rented at minimum 25,000 per month.

Which means the people living in this area and passing by the area to go to their offices are mostly HNI people. Though a lot of upper middleclass people also reside in the area.

Digital LED billboard siliguri

Crowd in Location

The population density of Siliguri is around 18,891 people per sq kilometer (1) with a total population of more than 1.8 million as of 2023 but the population density of Alo Chowdhury More area in Siliguri is around 23,769 people per sq kilometer.

We have done a survey during November and December of 2023 for 2 hours in daytime and another 2 hours in the evening every day. We have found a minimum 122 people had passed the area with perfect view of our billboard in a minute and maximum 664 people passed by during normal weekdays when there's no festival going on.

people playing holy in siliguri

Festivals and Happiness

Happy People Buy More!

We have chosen this location not only because of the crowd but also because of the happy crowd. It's been proven that people's happiness is proportional to their buying habits. The happier they are the more chances of them buying.

In this location there are 3+ large marriage halls where a lot of happy people come during the marriage sessions.  Also, 4 of the biggest Durga Pujo clubs in Siliguri are present in the area, YMA Club being the nearest and directly visible from the spot.  This place gets more than 10,00,000 people visiting every day during Durga Pujo.

Billboard advertising in siliguri during durga puja

Client Stories

What did our clients day about us?

Madam: Fish Fry

This is a local Fast food restaurant chain that is present in many cities all over West Bengal.

Year: 2023

This restraunt brand has one of the most unique dishes in the market. We don't see a lot of fast food restaurant chains selling fried fish dishes, but they were struggeling to get  customers. The problem was visibility. After advertising with their sales became double in just 3 months.

Industry: Food & Beverage

The main problem of businesses in this industry is not sales but visibility. If people don't know properly about your products they won't know what to buy. All businesses in this industry must advertise in our digital LED Billboards using video ads to get more than 20 million views in a months.

Elite Real Estate

This is a real estate company in Siliguri.

Year: 2024

Elite Real Estate has 5 residential sites and 3 commercial sites. Around 60% of their residential flats and 70% of their offices were vaccant. After advertising with Billboardit they started recieving calls for loaction visits and 20% of their vaccant properties were sold or rented.

Industry: Real Estate

Because of high HNI population in the area and the people are mostly happy when they pass around the place, one look at the LED billboard does what 10 other billboard will not which increases your brand value and helps you get sales.


One of the best fashion destination in Siliguri

Year: 2023

Zandiya is a retail clothing store started in Kolkata but they expanded to more cities and also in Siliguri. But their business in Siliguri was going dry, so they approached us. After advertising with us their store visits increased by a fascinating 400% in 3 months.

Industry: Retail

For retail industry the most important marketing factor is building a brand. What's a better way to do it than being visible to 2 million people in a month? Our billboard at Alo Chowdhury more, Siliguri can give you exactly that.

Digital Billboard No 1: (Watch Video)


Location: Alo Chowdhury more, Siliguri.

Potential Views: 80,000 - 1,00,000 per day (Non festive days)

Size: 8'/4' feet = 32 Sq Feet (close to passerby's)

Viewing Distance: 20 feet to 185 feet

Quality: P4

Location Value: ◉◉◉◉◉

Ad type: 20 Second Video Ad with other ads


Demographics of the location: (Watch Video 2) Location and distance specified.


Population density: 22,000 - 23,000 people per sq kilometer.

Male to Female Ratio: 53% male - 47% Female

Average age of Population: 22

Average Number of Children per house hold: 2

Average Family Income: 53,000 Per month (Approx)

HNI Population: 7.32% of the area

Ethnicity: Bengali 70% + Marwadi 15% + Nepali 10% + Others 5%

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